Research Projects

Research Projects

A collection of research projects I’ve completed as a media studies major.

Media Studies 3751(Value, Values, Valuation) Final Research Project

Research Paper and Accompanying Visual Aid- Automated Racism in Social Media Algorithms

Choose a topic to research various systems of valuation. Compose a research presentation and annotated bibliography based on previous, peer-reviewed research studies in the media studies, data science, technology, and communications fields. Use class readings to integrate key concepts from authors, propose a core argument, and use as research sources. Compile data and findings into an attractive visual aid that can be presented for 20-30 minutes. This project was done over the course of a month, with the key concept decided at the beginning of the semester.

Media Studies 3281 (Reimagining the News) Final Project

News Media Platform Proposal

Verbal Research Presentation

Our Goal: Research traditional digital news media platforms and propose, design, and prototype a brand new platform. Identify the problem, client, target audience, and formulate a creative solution. Communicate the mission statement and value proposition of your new platform and convince classmates to convert into potential investors.

Initial Prototype

“Customer” Feedback

  • After presenting the initial prototype to the class, received feedback used to modify and solidify the final design.

  • Initial feedback:

    • Visually unappealing colors

    • Busy design- cluttered images and text

    • Too many advertisements

    • No company branding (logo, mission statement, etc.)

Logo Mockup

Final Prototype With Incorporated Feedback

Using Figma’s design tools, prototyped a new interactive news media app geared toward delivering information to the newest generations, Gen Z and Gen Alpha, in a way that included their needs and interests. Focuses on a user-friendly platform and interface.